30th Jun 2020

GWI hosts wellness master class with Dr. Richard Carmona to help with preparations for reopening

GWI hosts wellness master class with Dr. Richard Carmona to help with preparations for reopening

Dr. Richard Carmona, the 17th Surgeon General of the United States, Chief of Health Innovation, Canyon Ranch, and acclaimed author, will lead this week’s Global Wellness Summit’s fourteenth Master Class, “Coronavirus: The Challenges of Moving from Mitigation to Recovery and Reopening.”

Dr. Carmona, known for his down-to-earth, sound strategies and advice, is a renowned advocate for disease prevention and access to health services for the underserved. In the latest masterclass from the GWI, he will explore the unique and ever-evolving challenges of transitioning from the COVID-19 global health crisis to a period of recovery and reopening.

Described by best-selling author Dean Cornish, MD, as one of the finest surgeon generals in US history, Dr. Carmona received the Global Wellness Summit’s first “Leader in Social Impact” award. He is known for his landmark Surgeon General’s report on the health effects of second-hand smoke, which led to the adoption of indoor smoking bans.

The Wellness Master Class will take place from 9:30–10:30 a.m. ET, Wednesday, July 1. RSVP here to join the live Zoom presentation.

All the Wellness Master Class Videos from the series can be replayed here.






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