2nd Apr 2022

Spa Life 2022 aims to become UK’s first carbon neutral spa event

Spa Life 2022 aims to become UK’s first carbon neutral spa event

Spa Life International, Europe's largest spa-dedicated event for senior wellness professionals, has committed to reducing its impact on the environment by decreasing the carbon footprint generated via its live events in the UK and Ireland.


Through collaboration with the Sustainable Spa Association and partnership with carbon rebalancing experts, Gaia Together, Spa Life was able to calculate that its UK & Ireland Conventions will generate an estimated 10.5 tonnes of CO2 emissions. But with the help of delegates, the Company aims to off-set these emissions, through the purchase of premium carbon credits, to make Spa Life 2022 the first spa events to be 'Carbon Neutral'.


To achieve its goal of becoming carbon neutral, Spa Life will collect voluntary donations of £2, £5, or £10 from delegates via the on-line booking process. The company will match the total donations raised, all of which will be paid directly to Gaia Together, who are Gold Standard Certified, and VCS Accredited in carbon offsetting for global socio-economic projects that benefit the environment and communities.


We recognise that we serve a highly carbon-conscious audience, many of whom are implementing innovative sustainability strategies of their own. We wanted to play our part with a commitment to reducing our impact on the environment and early indications from online bookings are that delegates are opting for the maximum voluntary contribution which is highly encouraging.” said Andrew Hammond, Director, and Co-Founder of Spa Life. “We chose to work with Gaia Together because their emission reduction projects go beyond climate change mitigation; they invest in community-based projects that improve the quality of life for local people and help to protect the ecosystem which they depend upon.”

The orgainisers also advised that this is just one of a series of initiatives it will be implementing as part of their commitment to imcreased sustainability. Spa Life has already embraced digital technologies in the form of its mobile app which eliminates the need for large-scale printed products for delegates and they will be working closely with any venues for future events to ensure there is a comprehensive sustainability strategy in place before agreeing any hire contracts.




For information about Gaia Together: gaiatogether.com

For information about Sustainable Spa Association: sustainablespas.org






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