28th Mar 2024

Titanic Spa Navigates the Challenges of Single-Use Plastics

Titanic Spa Navigates the Challenges of Single-Use Plastics

With sustainability needing to become more of a priority in the hospitality industry, Warrick Burton, founder of Titanic Spa, explains how he has navigated the shift away from using single-use plastics and gives advice for how other businesses can do the same.

“As an eco-spa owner, I have been fully committed to integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of our operations since Titanic Spa opened in 2005. One of the ongoing challenges I, and many other operators face is the use of single-plastics within the hospitality sector. Despite their convenience, these plastics cause considerable harm on our environment, worsening pollution, endangering wildlife and add to the global plastic crisis.

In the hospitality sector, where convenience often takes precedence, the reliance on single-use plastics is particularly engrained in the everyday operations. From individually wrapped breakfast items to disposable toiletries, plastic has become synonymous with guest convenience. However, as spa operators, as our awareness of environmental issues grows, so does the importance of finding alternatives that minimise our ecological footprint.

One of the most significant hurdles we face at Titanic Spa, is the preservation of food freshness and hygiene while avoid plastic packaging. We have spent a considerable amount of time finding solutions that retain freshness but meets our sustainability goals. Solutions include biodegradable and compostable options and forging partnerships with local businesses who can deliver fresh produce.

As an eco business founder, I believe that industry standards as a whole must evolve to incentivise and support sustainable practices. Addressing the challenges of single-use plastics in the hospitality industry requires an approach the involves innovation, education and advocacy. 

What can businesses do now?

  • Education - We believe that education and awareness plays a pivotal role in sustainability. We often engage guests in conversations about our sustainability initiatives and have educational artwork placed around the building. This not only raises awareness about the environmental impact of single-use plastics but also empowers our guests make more sustainable choices during their stay.
  • Opt for Reusable Bottles – Plastic bottles can take up to 1,000 years to decompose. Explore alternative options such as branded reusable bottles or glass alternatives to reduce environmental impact.
  • Biodegradable Straws – Switch to a sustainable alternative or eliminate completely. In our bar, we use biodegradable straws that are made from seashells. They look and feel identical to ordinary straws, so we haven’t had to sacrifice on quality either.
  • Suppliers - Engage in open communication and work with your suppliers to tackle sustainability challenges together. Chances are, they share similar sustainability objectives! Within our spa, we partner with various product brands and often have conversations on how we can minimise packaging waste and optimise ordering strategies, ensuring surplus products are kept to a minimum. Currently, we’re speaking to our croissant suppliers to ensure we can deliver the same high standard of food to guests for breakfast, without the addition of additional packaging.
  • Look locally – One way we have cut down on plastic in our spa is by working with the local milkmen to have fresh juice and milk delivered into the apartments. It cuts down on plastic and also means the carbon footprint is much smaller.






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